
Tuesday 3 October 2017

Warteg Diskriminasi

Beberapa hari lalu, saya makan di warteg dekat kantor bersama seorang teman. Tiba-tiba seorang anak kecil umurnya sekitar 6 tahun, datang ke samping kami dan meminta uang. Adik ini terlihat ga asing. Saya ingat, si adik adalah adik yang sering menghampiri Kak Agus kalau kami sedang ada acara kumpul-kumpul di sekitar Taman Amir Hamzah. Kak Agus sering cerita, si adik sering dipukuli dan belum boleh pulang kalau belum membawa sejumlah uang untuk orang tuanya.

Sudah terbiasa dengan kampanye Sahabat Anak untuk tidak memberikan anak jalanan uang, dan juga terinspirasi dari Kak Agus yang sering belikan makanan untuk si adik ini, akhirnya hari itu saya juga menawarkan si adik untuk makan. Dia semangat sekali dan bertanya apakah dia boleh makan ayam (Duh, nyes rasanya!).

Singkat cerita, si adik pesan es teh manis dan bilang nasinya dibungkus saja. Tapi saya perhatikan, si teteh yang melayani makanan dan minuman tidak kunjung mengantarkan pesanan si adik. Orang-orang yang datang semakin ramai. Permintaan si adik tidak digubris. Akhirnya saya marah ke para pelayan di warteg itu.

"Mba, ini kesian loh adiknya, udah dari tadi bolak-balik pesen. Ini kita sudah selesai makan tapi blom dateng juga pesenannya. Jangan mentang-mentang anak kecil terus kelihatan ga punya uang jadi diremehin gitu dong."

Akhirnya kedua teteh-teteh itu segera bergerak. Yang satu membuat teh, yang satu membungkuskan makanan.

Erghh kesal sekali hari itu.

Jadi pelajaran untuk kita semua ayo belajar untuk tidak mendiksriminasi orang lain, apalagi dari segi umur, status sosial pendidikan, penampilan dll.

Friday 1 September 2017

Kepada Huruf Aku Mengadu

Biarlah kepada huruf-huruf ini saja aku mengadu
karena bibir ini terlalu kelu, 
dan hatiku tersedu-sedu menahan pilu
entah karena rindu 
atau karena kita tak akan pernah satu

Kupikir aku setegar batu
baru tersadar olehku
betapa lemahnya aku
di kala berhadapan dengan semua tentangmu

Kasihmu adalah canduku
namun semua sudah berlalu
meninggalkan ku termangu
memohon dipulihkan oleh sang waktu

Tuesday 29 August 2017


Countless teary nights I've been through
Tired of holding the secret that no one cares about
With all of my strength keeping this feeling only for myself
Because I'm the thing that may not appear, yet hurt inside

I always get haunted by the idea that I'm worthless
I'm probably just like a bottle of cold water in a fridge
Which you just pick up when you're thirsty
And left when the wine is served and friends are around.

The fake smiles and brightless eyes have been the decoration of my face
Strong legs have been my only friend to keep moving
To kill the times and drain my energy
So no chance for the haunted night to torture me again
I wish I could fall asleep without thinking much
and wake up with the new sunrise.

Sunday 28 May 2017

The Coffee Shop

Spending sometimes in a coffee shop has been one of my "must do list" when I visit a new place. I think coffee shop always has a certain charm.

So many people enjoying the time here.
The lovers, friends, social groups, business partner, or even individuals.

The combination of the smells of coffee, the sound of the coffee machine and the classy and comforting background music becomes the addictive ingredient that you won't get when you make your own coffee at home. 

Can you also imagine what's in every individual's mind when he/she sits there? I'm always wondering about that, as well as, how many ideas have popped up through group discussion or individual's contemplation. How many deals have been agreed in a coffee shop? How many works have been done in a coffee shop? I believe there's always a philosophical reason behind a coffee shop. That's what make a coffee shop has its soul, I bet.  

I consider a coffee shop is a romantic place as well, either with your partner or just with your books. Even when you're broken hearted, just bring your books, your earphone, and order a warm mochaccino and sit there until you're tired and sleepy. 

See how magical a coffee shop is? I wish one day, I can have one!

Saturday 27 May 2017

Respect Yourself!

At the end of the day, you have to stand for yourself
You are the one who needs to respect yourself
Your brain, your heart, your body, your energy, your mind.

Sometimes you are fooled by temporary distractions.
It's true that at the end of the day, people just think about their own business.
You treat them as the priority, but you just a complementary for them.
You suddenly realize that the world is not fair and you have to deal with it.
You might get hurt, but you are grateful at the same time.
You choose to stay strong, keep your head up, walk away from them.

It's not about the right way and wrong way you've chosen.
It's about consequences. 
You've been through the wrong way and you decided to go back to that intersection. 
On your way, there are so many stumbling blocks and holes, but you decide to stand up on your feet. 
Again and again.
No matter how many times you fall off because you just want to respect yourself!

Monday 24 April 2017

Ups and Downs

It's such a great feeling to see people that we haven't met for quite a while.
A lot of stories to share and proved that life is shifting.

Some people probably were in the bad circumstances when they met you for the first time but share a moving story in the future meeting. It convinces you to be grateful for where are you in now, know that everything will be better one day, and not to be arrogant if you are in a good life.

Sunday 23 April 2017


Kata Mba Kendar, pergaulan itu adalah investasi. Kalau kita bergaul sama orang-orang yang membantu kita untuk mengeluarkan potensi maksimal diri kita, maka kita akan jadi orang yang luar biasa. Tapi, kalau kita bergaul dengan orang-orang yang cuma bikin kita stuck atau malah mundur, ya kedepannya jita akan begitu-begitu aja. So, invest your time with people who bring the best version of you. Begitu juga dalam mencari pasangan.

Hmm, di satu sisi aku setuju dengan apa yang Mba Kendar bilang. Tapi menurutku bukan berarti menghilangkan pergaulan sama sekali dengan orang yang ga punya jiwa yang sama. Siapa tahu mereka malah mendapat pandangan baru dari kita. Iya ngga sih?

Mungkin juga kita perlu batasan waktu. Kalau dalam waktu sekian lama tidak ada yang menjadi lebih baik, kenapa mesti dilanjutkan?