
Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Picturesque Belitung

Today is 31 May 2014, and this trip happened exactly two months ago, 29-31 March 2014. Start with a drama of mine, that I almost lost the flight because I had to attend the scholarship group discussion.

I did not concentrate on the group discussion because an edge of my mind calculate the probability to arrive at the airport on time. Fortunately, I made a precise calculation and fast movement so I arrived right after the officers announced it was the boarding time. Lucky me, that I have this traveling group (called BBC), they fully supported me to join the trip and waited for me at the gate of the waiting room. It's always fun having trip with them, because each of them is unique and their actions always lead to big laugh. 

We landed at Tanjung Pandan airport at 11 am, I changed my clothes since it was too formal, then ready to explore Belitung. First place we visit was Pantai Burong Mandi. Actually, it is the most so-so beach in Belitung but compare to several beaches in Bali or Yogyakarta, it is more calm and clean.

After visiting Pantai Burong Mandi, we went to Kwan Im Temple. Unfortunately, it was in renovation so we could not see it in full reddish color, yet we could enjoy sea scenery form this temple, it's wonderful. We didn't take so long there, and decided to go to Andrea Hirata Museum. Andrea Hirata is the native from Belitung who has written many novels based on true story which setting is Belitung, and his books have been translated to many languages. Museum Kata - Andrea Hirata was not the last destination on that day. We went to a school replica that being one important setting in Andrea Hirata's novel.

In front of Dewi Kwan Im Temple

The gate of Museum Kata

One of my fave quote from Andrea Hirata

Took a sip of Belitong Coffee at Museum Kata

On the next day, we did Island Hopping. It was about 5 islands we visited, but I can remember just two of them: Pulau Burong and Pulau Lengkuas, but don't worry it's not because they were bad, but because I lost my memory after two months ;p. 

The unique character of the beaches in Belitung is big stones. The stones make them look tough but beautiful. Don't believe it? Please take a look pictures below:

View from the lighthouse at Lengkuas Island

Clean and calm sea water

with the starfish

You should climb to the 17th floor of the lighthouse to get this view :)
View form the lighthouse at Lengkuas Island

View form lighthouse at Lengkuas Island
Picturesque, right?
Go there and you will find more amazing scenery that I didn't post in this page!

Enjoy the wonderful Indonesia!

Photo courtesy: Pritha, Kara, QQ

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Kejutan 24 Tahun

30 April kemarin aku berusia 24 tahun!

Aaaargghhhh....ini kenapa aku benci ulang tahun! Tambah tua -___-

April tahun ini emang penuh kejutan, mungkin jadi caranya Tuhan bikin aku lebih tua dewasa.

Setelah kejutan kejadian penuh tantangan bersama temen-temen GMB - Ayo Sekolah yang sempet bikin nangis pas sendirian di kamar kost (dan belum bener-bener beres sampe sekarang) eh Tuhan kasih kejutan aku lolos beasiswa LPDP. Bener-bener deh...tapi percaya aja semua pengalaman ini bikin aku berproses jadi lebih baik kalau kata lagu "suka-duka dipakaiNya untuk kebaikanku".

Hal lain yang bikin bulan April spesial adalah tepat tanggal 30 April, aku bersama Ka Rickie, Ka Disi dan Ka Dinda ngisi talkshow di sebuah radio mewakili temen-temen panitia Jambore Sahabat Anak. Spesial karena ini pengalaman pertama...hehe

photc courtesy: Rickie Arliandi

Ternyata kejuatannya ga berakhir di bulan April, tapi nyerempet ke tanggal 1 Mei dan dirayakan oleh demo buruh  Siang-siang lagi di dalam kopaja P20 yang kejebak macet, dapet telepon dari Lizar (salah satu tim GMB - Ayo Sekolah) ngajak meeting ngomongin masalah yang lagi kita hadapin. Otomatis cemas...kira-kira berita macam apa yang akan aku terima. Sore harinya, akhirnya kami ngumpul di bebek Kaleyo Tebet. Selain Kak Dinda yang emang seharian bareng menjalankan tugas panitia Jambore Sahabat Anak, akhirnya Nuzul dan geng Depok alias Lizar, Windy, Naya, Bang Andi nongol di Kaleyo. 

Pertama liat muka Lizar pas dateng udah mules dan ga sabar pengen denger update tentang masalah kita. Tiba lah detik-detik Lizar cerita dengan mukanya yang luar biasa meyakinkan ditambah ekspresi sedih dari temen-temen yang lain. Parah! Dalem hati DEG-DEGAAAN!! Untungnya ga sampe nangis karena emang ga gampang nangis sih ;p Pas lagi dag-dig-dug sambil ngungkapin apa yang dipikirkan tentang masalah ini, tiba-tibaaa...jeng-jeeeenggg..... Bang Andi ngeluarin kue ulang tahun dan mereka semua kasih selamat *fiuuhh....selain kue, aku bersyukur berita yang diceritain Lizar hari itu bohong! Beberapa saat kemudian, si Windy berdiri dari tempat duduk dan pas balik, live band yang bermusik di sana nyanyin lagu ulang tahun buat yang namanya Pida. Sukses banget ngerjainnya, soalnya emang udah kelewat sehari dari tanggal ultah, bikin skenarionya meyakinkan banget...huhu... sweet banget mereka-mereka ini...sayangnya aku ga bisa bales apa-apaa...

Photo courtesy: Andi Irawan

Thank you Lord for everything!